Sunday, December 18, 2011

diy wrapping paper 2

I ran out of wrapping paper last night so this morning I thought I should do some more.  This was mainly taken from some of Tim-Biskups paintings I found in a book this one is Weirdo deluxe.  I just like a lot of his images.
 and below a mixture of the birds and clouds and polish flowers and some more hearts, I do like hearts.

 the girls took over from painting for me, I find relinquishing control very hard, but reasoned to myself that it was only wrapping paper which would be ripped off presents and have a short life so it didn't matter too much if it wasn't perfect.  breath deeply and walk away.

tried to go for old style colours which doesn't show up so well on here, they are a bit dirgier in real life.  I like it.

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